Executive Positions
Vice President
Director of Communications
Social Affairs Officer
SJD Representative
LLM Representative
GPLLM Representative
Union (GSU) Representative
Faculty Committees
Mental Health Committee
Standing Curriculum Committee
Library Committee
Gender Accessibility and Diversity Committee (2 positions)
Truth and Reconciliation Committee
Department Union Steward, Candidate must be a member of CUPE 3902
More information about the duties of each position of the GLSA Executive can be found here. If you are curious about a specific position, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team to learn more about the specifics of any role. As a student of a Graduate Law program at the University, you are welcome to nominate and run for multiple roles. For example, you can apply to run as the President, Vice-President and Social Affairs Officer. However, you will only be allowed to take on one of these roles. Should you be the “winner” of all 3 elections, you will be asked which position you intend to take up and the 2nd placed individual in the other elections will take that position.
How to nominate yourself
The elections are announced withint first two months of the start of the session. If you are interested in one or more positions, please send an email with the following by the deadlines to the then outgoing President.
The email's subject line should be : GLSA Elections 202X
In the email, state your Full Name, Position(s) that you are interested in, and a Biography in no more than 300 characters (not words including spaces) stating why you believe you would be a successful candidate. This serves as your election mandates and will be read by the fellow voters for elections, so make it super.
Voting is conducted through the University's portal. An email outlining the specifics timelines this will follow when the nominations open and election period begins.